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Old 14-01-2008, 21:20
Jamie Hicks Jamie Hicks is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Cornwall
Posts: 19
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Guys, sorry for the lack of reply so far!

Thanks for all input, you'll be pleased to hear I've actually listened to the advice...

I've decided to switch back to the original exhaust manifold, this is basically the same as a standard Silvia one, but it ports at the front of the manifold, not the back (otherwise the turbo would sit on the passenger's lap).

So far I've taken the uplift manifold off (b*stard of a job with only open-ended spanners fitting) and cleaned off all the faces. I checked Graham Walkers (Scimitar specialist) for gaskets - they wanted about 20 quid EACH, plus VAT and delivery! GULP. Thankfully my local Nissan dealer charges about a third of that.

Oh, and I've swapped the fuel rail and injectors for the standard units too. And yes, I did cover myself in petrol.

Right, onto my question:

I've found a round 2-pin (iirc) plug which I'm told fits the knock sensor, but what I THINK is the knock sensor is located just above the oil filter, and I don't see how the plug lead will reach. So is my loom following the wrong route, or have I got the knock sensor location wrong?

Cheers, Jamie
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