Thread: New boy here
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Old 13-02-2008, 00:47
banana-man666 banana-man666 is offline
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Default New boy here

Hi there everyone im Dave and I have just picked up a 1986 D-reg S12 auto in white.

I have noticed there is a link in the ebay section to the auction my car was on along with my flat mate gav's new toy a 1985 B-reg manual in silver with very nice custom leather (Gav has also signed up here as tractor-boy).

Bought the 2 of them for a very good price and are hoping to have them both on the road in the next few weeks.

I shall be posting some pics up in the project section over the next day or 2 as I get started on mine but until then here is the link to have a look at them both.

P.S. One quick question, what sort of power could the auto box handle? I am looking at going all out performance wise but without a manual conversion.

Cheers guys
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