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Old 22-02-2008, 19:04
Strong-Soul Strong-Soul is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 36
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Default S12 Progress

Hi guys

its been a while since I have been on the forum, ive been very busy at work, just wanted to let you know I had the silvia MOT'd an it only failed on the rear fog fuse and the new back box wasnt sealed properly causing to much emitions, not bas for a car thats been stood for 10 years! I had those two very minor problems sorted an the car passed second time around

I had the car fully serviced by my mechanic and it has been running smoothly, engine seems great, well thats expexted for a rare car with only 38000 on the clock!

I have just had to replace the clutch slave cylinder and have also replaced the stem valves, I am now waiting for the tension bar bushes coming from nissan and will be fixing those soon as they arrive, I will also be fitting brand new drilled and grooved brake discs and new pads at the same time.

I am quite likely reluctantly going to have to sell the car in summer, as I will be travelling alot and wont be able to modify the car which was my intention
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