Thread: U11 Stolen
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Old 01-03-2008, 01:11
zxocmars zxocmars is offline
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Default Recovered

Originally Posted by Oscar View Post
where bouts is wa7
That would around about where you got your S12 from, and pretty much the same spot that the U11 was parked in when you saw it.

However, there wasn't much fuel in it when it was taken, and it was recovered Friday morning abandoned on the M62 where, no doubt, it ran out of gogo juice.

However, I unfortunately now have to pay the lovely garage that recovered it £105 for the privilege. Nice.

I have yet to see the vehicle, as it is being held pending an upcoming episode of CSI, (please can Sarah Sidle do it ) so I have no idea on the condition of it as yet. The garage has said that it appears to be just locks, "as it is an old car" so that could mean anything.

The fact that is was recovered on a motorway makes me think it had a specific destination, and wasn't robbed just to be thrashed around town by joyriders, so maybe that's a good thing, as it's most likely to not be in a bad condition (unless the twats didn't realise it had no power steering until half way thru the first corner.)

Anyway, hopefully all will be well, and thanks for the comments.
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