Hi Raz, sure you wanted someone other than me to answer
my two penneth... ive never had troubles so far on sticky List 1bs, but thats for short runs. as for the oil cooler, i would have thought so if you are using the std water rad, as the nissan water/oil exchanger may struggle to keep the temps under control. a larger fan on the rad and poss a larger rad will help, but if not a 16 row oil cooler too. you can always blank off a bit of the oil coller matrix with duct tape if it overcools. a remote oil filter with oversize filter will give an extra bit of oil capacity too
Stew B has had Et and DET sumps sides by side and reckons the ET is better design in trems of the splash plate.
ideal situation would be an Accusump for surge protection, but currently i dont think its necessary on my car. i intend on hooking my oil pressure sensor up to my data logger to see if theres any momentary fluctuations. will let you know when i finnaly get out for this season