Thread: short bloke
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Old 01-04-2008, 00:29
littlemidge littlemidge is offline
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Default short bloke

Hi Guys... i'm pretty rubbish at all this forum stuff but i hear this is the place to be....

I'm Jamie, i'm in the westcountry and i bought an 85 mk1 a few days ago...

Basically i wanted to get a cool looking, reliable motor for an event around europe with a mate in a couple of weeks... the old skool jap beast seemed like a cool option with RWD and and a nice turbo...

obviously time is tight but we're on the case, plans are to build a stripped out racer with a hint of drift - it';s gonna be a long few weeks!

anyway that's my life story, so hi and i'll get something up in the projects bit soon...

one other thing - is this the hardest car in the world to get a set of lowing springs for at short notice or what? Angle grinder at the ready obviously.
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