wo wo wo hang on! my beef is definitely not with you shaun so calm down. I know you did all that for me and not once have i said anything against you. At the end of the day i am 200 quid down. I am not saying your man has ripped me off but then again its either a nackered unit or turbo technics are ripping me off. Its either one or the other. Simple as that.
I did ask for the number last night so i could get back to turbo technics. but i didnt get it. I spent 3 hours trawling through the net trying to find his number but its not listed.
I did speak to Andy in the end today but he flatly refused that the turbo was shagged so maybe it wasnt. Maybe turbo technics are shafting me. Its all maybe and at the end of the day once again i have lost out.
I will probably ask for the turbo back in bits and flog the lot. I have simply had enough. PEOPLE ARE SELFISH SHITES!!!!