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Old 12-06-2008, 13:50
Paul Smith Paul Smith is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 50
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Default Clutch problem Help (again)

Hi sorry i know i am always on here asking for help but my engine just keep coming up with problems.

After all the help everyone on here has given me my engines starts and revs which is more than it was doing 6 weeks ago. Apart from her idle being a little low she seems ok, except, i have come across another problem.

when she is running you can't put her in gear, you press the clutch down but the gears won't go in. if she is switched off they will and if you have her up on axle stands she will run the wheels but if i put her in gear then start the car it takes of down my drive totally oblivious to the clutch being used?

Also has anyone got pics of where the clutch cable is? I can't find it?

Thanks again

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