wont start
Some good tips here for you. Here's a cuople more for you to check over, If fuel pump is on its way out then may not be enough pressure to fine spray the fuel into the cyls, so could just be dribbling in via injectors & flooding engine. Try getting a pressure check for the fuel, eaisy to do, happened to one of my s12s, however I was able to run, so long as it was on a flat road, any need for power & she would splutter & cut out. My S13's Fuel regualor, when it packed up, did the same & just wouldn't start, but I ve no heard of
S12 fuel regualors going.
You can dig out the ECU,(is located in the side pannel of the passenger footwell) & run a self diagnostic, which might point you in the right direction. newer ECU's have the fault codes written on the top of the box.
if the AFL(Air flow metre) is knackered, or has become disconnnected.
As has been said, if any of the air intake pipes, turbo to plenum chamber is disconected then def wont start.
Just a few for you to look into.
Good luck