Thread: Wiper Problem
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Old 22-06-2008, 23:50
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Question Wiper Problem

Recently I had to make a 50 mile trip from were I live, I'd bodged the drivers wiper to work as the other side somehow doesn't work with the wiper arm bolted on ( no idea as it links the drivers one via the linkage and motor on the passenger side in the engine bay )

My bodging broke off and left me with no wipers in the pouring rain, spent 30 minutes out side, open terrain, winds and rain lashing down one side of me as I braved the scottish weather to get it fixed.....worked for about 5 miles then kaput again!
Ended up driving 40+ miles without wipers in the rain....tricky but I used the road markins and the rear lights of the car's in front....and I'm back.

Anyone know how the drivers side wiper linkage connects, I can see theres a small like ball joint that holds it in but mine just falls off all the time, is there a special clip that goes on it....or do I have to source an entire wiper linkage set?

If anyone know's how to sort this let me know asap, or if it is replace-able but relatively cheap also lend me a hand. It ain't a car if you can't drive it when you want
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