Thread: Wiper Problem
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Old 23-06-2008, 09:35
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silviagod silviagod is offline
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You can buy the nylon cups from Nissan, they are not that expensive but as Shaun says they are a tw@t to change. you have to push them in place and turn them through 45 degrees to lock in place and then you have to force them onto the ball part of the joint. It can be done with everything in place but wrap a rag around your forearm otherwise you could cut yourself on the edge of the metal of the bodywork. The old Micra and Bluebird use the same nylon cups so Nissan should have some in stock. Taking the whole lot out could be easier but often the bolts holding the pivot posts sieze on. If you can get them off I would fit them off the car. You will find a nut at the back of the motor behind the firewall panel, you can remove the linkage from there too. I think it takes a 12mm spanner. If one has popped off the other will be worn too so do them both. Good luck. Paul.
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