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Old 21-02-2006, 19:11
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Maximilian Maximilian is offline
S12OC User
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Sweden
Posts: 29
Maximilian is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up Intro to the Max

Clever huh Well I thought that after being registered since 10-27-2005 it'd be about time I posted an intro and mebbe share my lack of knowledge with others.

I'm admin on the Swedish equivalent to this place, Trying to get a few more active members and maybe get some sort of club going. I know that a couple of you are trying to infiltrate the place but unfortunatly we have no english section yet

A word on firepower? Well actually there are none so far, just a sad looking white thing in the forest 20 miles from here. But with a little help I might just make it to some trackdays this summer.

Add 3 feet of snow and a bit more rust and there ya go.

Plans are plentiful and a few things are already purchased, but next on the list is to get it running and pass mot. Since I don't have a second car mods will have to be "practical" (yeah right ) but we'll see what I can make of her.

Keepin' it real in Sweden, cheers!

Last edited by Maximilian; 21-02-2006 at 19:59.
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