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Old 17-08-2008, 18:46
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Draconis Draconis is offline
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Default contacting and stuff

Hey mates, I'm trying to get access to other s12 forums. The link for Sweden doesnt work and I cant find the french S12 forum. Anyone have an idea?

Also, in the next month or two we will be creating a club calendar and magazine over at CS12. I am in charge I guess of all the international relation type stuff. So, first in order if a round of beers for all on me! There, now that you are all happy...

I know many of you guys have accounts over at CS12 so please keep a look out. But for those who dont, feel free to pm me here or over there (same name) with links or pics that are of magazine quality and any articles for a S12 magazine you think would be worth it. Feel free to send an excerpt or some topic ideas so we know who to contact when we choose what to put in it.


Co-Admin CS12
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