Thread: what is it??
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Old 26-08-2008, 23:42
umpkin umpkin is offline
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Default what is it??

i bought a turbo meant to be a T25, but it had no exhaust housing on it, so my mate who i got it from got another one that was fooked but had a good uncracked housing on it, so i bolted the 2 better parts together to send off to the reconditioners. but i have noticed that i cant bolt my spare T2 elbow to it. and it also dont have the bolt on bit on the intake entry from AFM. what will i need to make this fit. need soming easy as poss, coz i have to do this for MOT (smokey) and in the next month i have wedding and honeymoon, and not enuf time to fit turbos


Last edited by umpkin; 26-08-2008 at 23:46.
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