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Old 07-09-2008, 23:56
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Draconis Draconis is offline
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Default info and stuff request on cs12

Okay, so those of you who want to, you can now submit your pics of your Gazelles for the calendar. Obvious since it's for a calendar, we are looking for good resolution and cool shots. Action or not. Also, I know Piston Freak has info for the annual mag. that we are gonna print, if anyone else has ideas. feel free to post up. I know that many of those on CS12 are so States centric, but I'm pushing for a bit of international appeal and influence.

Also as a side note, I will be working on revamping our multimedia section of the forum. If anyone has had their car in a magazine please let me know. I already have Ben D's on my hd so that will be transferred over. But if anyone else has been featured in some way on a magazine or a like an online site that is independent from the S12 sites, those qualify too. Also, any videos and such. I am sure you all have shit loads of drifting videos, so try to pick the best ones you feel that represent.

Thanks mates!

Send to: [email protected] or [email protected]

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