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Old 25-09-2008, 16:10
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WM-S12 WM-S12 is offline
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Default Handbrake trouble.

I recently got my new discs and pads sourced and delivered but it turns out my local garage won't fit them simply because the handbrake cable and connecting parts have seized and are rusty to hell.

I'm know it comes from a single cable from the actual handbrake itself and goes back until it splits into 2 parts ( one for each wheel ) correct me if I'm wrong. I have a snapped cable with me right now and wondering if anyone else has ever had to replace the entire handbrake system ( cables and the other bits and bobs )

Garage can't exactly source them as they have all that new special equipment for cars that run mainly on electronics.....what ever happened to the average mechanic

Anyway, if anyone knows where I should start looking let me know asap as my rear brakes are metal on metal at the moment or if theres a simpler fix to this problem.

*if anyones unclear about what's wrong let me know, I'm in a hurry and can't put up a picture in time so will do later.*
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