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Old 29-10-2008, 12:39
Jubfab105e Jubfab105e is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 22
Jubfab105e is an unknown quantity at this point

Found this site through the wonderful world of Google. I see AA AlanAnglia is also planning the same conversion as me.

Alan - have you any pictures of the conversion ? how far have you got with it?

I've just picked this up to go in my Anglia estate

Concerned about where the gearbox lever is gonna come out

And a picture of the car it's off in

Now i've managed to find most stuff on the web but could do with a manual fly wheel and a starter motor - think thats all i'm missing. I have a full loom although this is out of the auto car and i've got the manual box (is this gonna cause any issues ?)

I can't trial fit the engine yet as I need to cut the front panel off first and I dont want to do that just yet as it's a bit rotten and I need to put some strength in it - but when I do i'll post some pictures to show. I've measured and measured and fairly confident I can get the thing in

Any help along the way would be greatly appreciated --
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