Hi Everyone,
I hope all is well in the wee world of S12.....
Just to let you all know, I am no longer based in Portsmouth but I have moved slightly closer to Edinburgh (which of course is home). I am now based in Luton or more precisely 4.5 miles outside the place, I still go home most weekends and can now say I have broken a quarter of a Million mile mark on my Silvia. Yep! she still goes great and doesn't look too bad either...come to think of it, she looks better than me and I don't think I have worked as hard.
I have been looking a young Pukkas efforts this evening and it's all very good young Sir! Splendid job of the Arches.
Chaps, before I sign off. I'd just like to say, when all is seen and done. The S12 platform is a fine piece of metal fabrication from our eastern cousins. Long live the Japanese....Hip Hip...
Will write (more like rant) again soon,
Have a good evening - Oh, and Pukka....Enjoy your 3 piece suite now! Ye hear!