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Old 10-12-2008, 19:19
s12-newbie s12-newbie is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: coventry
Posts: 165
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update, chaps, right went for a search on sill today & if you can get both sides left & right the hilman imp sill is very very close, it need a lil bit adding to the length but the profile is about as close as you can get!!!!

i've actually bought 2 nissan micra sills, need a lil legth adding but not alot, they also need to be bent over a scaffold bar to made the curve od the sill match but thats about it, i should be able to cut & fit 2 sills in a weekend!!!!

i just need some ok-ish weather outdoors to do it as my garage is full of junk!

i'll do some pics when i do it!!!!

as i say hilman imp ones are a better match than micra ones but they only had one in & i want to do both sides so they are done & dusted!

my car has developed a strange misfire @ 2200rpm & its boosting alot & using lots of fuel!!!!
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