Thread: Sorry
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Old 14-12-2008, 00:15
julie julie is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 11
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Default Sorry

id like to take the time to publically apologize for my statement on club-s12 refering to a particular member's s12 on this forum looking "chav". i didnt direct the comment specifically at his car, but more towards the style of modifications ive seen among the European car enthusiastic and such. i know theres a difference in modification trends between regions, so whats cool here might be lame elseware and such. i didnt wake up the other day with intentions of attacking someone or insulting what they put alot of time and effort into making it their own unique car.

again, i apologize to those who were offended by my comments on the other forum and it wasnt my intention to mock anyone. ive pretty much made myself unwelcome here, so i guess ill stick to posting on the other forum


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