Thread: Nooooobie
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Old 01-01-2009, 20:47
Steelballz Steelballz is offline
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Posts: 10
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Default Nooooobie

Hello all, happy new year <-- sorry

Nicky, 19, mechanic/student.I love modified cars, and lately, doing engine conversions haha!!!Corolla 1995 with 1.3turbo engine, and now the S12 that needs a different engine...

I bought an s12 with my friend as a project for the year, she's, from research, a jap spec, F20-engined (N/A unfortunately) 1984 3-door in a light blue....with a lot of iron-oxide LOL, hence the project bit
also one of the last owners took off cam cover, and never replaced it.its still lost, and also the cams are rusty haha!!!!
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