Thread: SAS/SBS info
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Old 11-01-2009, 01:49
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Originally Posted by Dr Silvia View Post
waita minute before we give him all this info how do we know he's not al quaida

That's awesome mate. I'm actually of Indian (India/part of your colonies at one time) background. Adopted by a half Brit, quarter French and quarter German mum. I do not have an accent and everyone who hears me on the phone would think me as 'white'. Also, I've had plenty of other Indians come up to me speaking whatever it is they speak and I just stare and go, "Sorry, English please." Or I just go about my business cause how am I to know they are talking to me? Bloody hell, doesnt make a lick of sense to me anyway. But when the whole war started years ago I had many of people confusing me for a Middle Easterner or asking me how I felt and a few insults here and there. I just ignore them or say, "You're bloody ignorant cause I'm not related to the Durka Durkas."

I am not in the least bit interested in India and never really was. Since I was a kid I've always had a fascination for the history of the Brits and hell, I was told by a friend who got a teaching degree, with another year or so history classes and my teaching license, I could teach history.
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