Thread: Wiper problem.
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Old 11-01-2009, 23:03
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Default Wiper problem.

I have currently only had one of my front wipers working since around last may or june. The whole linkage bust due to a plastic "Popper thing" ( sorry can't mind the word ) however I replaced them for peanuts but the drivers side works perfectly just the passenger side is knackered.

I've disembled it several times and found out it's the barrel like part that has the grip on the top, which interlocks with the wiper arm itself. Took it apart and it's loose and I tried to fix it but no luck, MOT is due feb 18th ( i presume its an area that needs to pass, not sure as drivers works fine. ) I've not got a picture but I'll do a brief picture and post it up so you know what i'm yabbering about.

My guess is its just worn and needs replaced. Probably get the same part off any other nissan around that similar age ( bluebird....micra...just a guess. )

anyway heres a cheapo image of my problem, will need to get a proper picture but i'm sure it does justice in providing enough info to you guys and girls. Cheers

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