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Old 14-01-2009, 22:56
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GForce GForce is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 12
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Ok so maybe anyone else can make some statement on front S13 mod?

Well i really really want to ban theat front spinbdle design!
PLUS: together with S13 carrier, the was to Z32 brakes is free!, same as 5 lug for the people who want to.

So imo Front S13 is the way to go. Also if we end up with a custom made Front damper fitting the S13 wheel carrier, but still being different to the S13 spec (length e.g. etc)

Well the rear will be definitely height adjustable!
just checkout the megan racing design. Just much better quality
No offence to Megan, but i do not like this made in china stuff! like D2 etc.

about spring rate and all the other stuff, i need to first measure all the influencing parameters such as cornerweights, ride height at 1G and 0G, fdamper travel, oem spring rates etc. etc. etc.

but this will take some ztime for yure, as i have some work to do also besides

The first point is getting a price estimation from Tein.
Then we will see what regions we are going to, and if it will end up in 10 sets, or a one off

all the technical details are not influencing the costs in a highly manner (except maybe the qurestion S13 spec front strut or custom design)

cheers Michael
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