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Old 06-02-2009, 16:44
s12-newbie s12-newbie is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: coventry
Posts: 165
s12-newbie is an unknown quantity at this point

right chaps i've checked the temp sensor & i had a broken wire& the coldstartd problom is still there, i've checked the resistances & all seems ok, the air regulaters i have are showing 60.4 ohms & opens & closes off the car at differing temps!

is it an ecu problom, when i can get it to start it does'nt fast idle (cold start) it just sits at 500rpm & wavers up to 750rpm then back down again?

i've checked & double checked everythink i think, i've even ceaned up all my earths, the ecu has some dodgy wiring repairs so thats my next place to check but other than that i dont know what to do

i've also got two good temp sensors, & 2 air regulators, a spare FICD & i've cleaned them up, i have a feeling a wire orsome wire have possibly broken/chafed or the ecu is faulty

does the ecu come up on the self diagnose's if it has a fault????
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