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Old 05-03-2009, 02:03
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kennyboy kennyboy is offline
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Thumbs down Rear shocks

Originally Posted by umpkin View Post
you can get kyb inserts for the front (kyb 365013), although they seem to be hard to get these days.

for the rears, you can fit mk2 escort uprated rear shocks if the car is lowered for bout £110 pair on ebay, I think kennyboy from this forum has a set on his, if its not lowered then i prolly wouldnt use them as they are shorter and help with lowered loose springs only

on a side not, if kenny reads this, did the escort shocks make much difference to handling???


Hello chaps, rear shocks made a huge difference, loads stiffer but not too stiff as to make it dangerous, weren't badly priced, you need to ask for Mk2 escort turrot topped Spax rear shocks, i payed about £120 the pair with 28 different settings and i only needed to set it at number 12 think it was for road driving and it stopped the spring falling out, the only thing you need to do is change the Bolt on the bottom mount as the nissan one is too small diameter wise and i spaced the bottom of the shocker mount sideways with washers but this could be done with poly or Ally, i will try and dig the part number out for your info,


212bhp at the wheels on standard internals.
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