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Old 09-03-2009, 14:18
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Originally Posted by WM-S12 View Post
right i've had a set of Magnecor HT leads for a while now, blue performance ones. The other week I got a call from a representive from Magnecor asking me about my s12 and the HT leads if they do fit properly, guy sounded like an aussie but he was saying someone else they sold S12 ht leads to has informed them they don't fit?

was told they've only made a few but only reason I can think of is if the guy's swapped the engine, or the distrubitor is in a different country different engine model. Set I got fit perfectly in an L shape and use the original plastic hooks

no idea but surely the ca18det would need longer ones as the engines that bit bigger. Not sure, just a random thought.
so nice
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