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Old 02-03-2006, 01:41
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30psi 30psi is offline
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In one day I changed to dot 5, grooved discs and budget Apec pads. Initially I thought the brakes were worse. But get them warm and they were really good.

Put them on the red car but never changed the fluid. I never really ran much power on that car for about a year so never excercised the brakes.

Dropped the engine in and then realised they were pretty shite but the discs were worn down and the grooves had nearly disappeared.

Fitted black diamond discs and standard Nissan pads and the brakes are shite. Haven't been arsed to change the pads for the pikey ones I used to use. But the pikey pads are twice as good as the Nissan ones. Might be the fluid but I can't imagine that causing a problem for normal day to day braking, that would only show up as a problem after a fair amount of abuse.
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