i would use dot5 aswell , i used it in my pulsar and was better than the dot 4 that came out, but i wanted a bit more bite (as pulsars are known to have really , really sh*te brakes) so i put in a set of black diamond predator pads , not great when they're cold , but once warmed up, peel your eyes off the windscreen, but what i was going to say was that all brake fluids up to dot4 are mineral based , have alot lower boiling tempreture , when it does boil not only is it inducing air into your braking system but moisture aswell , corroding your brake pipes from the inside out NOT GOOD , dot 5 however is synthetic based , it boils at a lot higher tempreture , i can't for the life of me remeber what it boils at though , i've got it on paper somewhere, but even a hard track day would struggle to make it boil, it's also down to brake set up too, ie the bigger the better , more energy scrubbed off quicker and better heat dissapation through larger disc's