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Old 17-04-2009, 22:28
CamInHead CamInHead is offline
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Default Modifying Tail-Lights

edit: I am such a dork. Here I am trying to figure out how to acomodate reverse and rear fog-lights into my Yank-spec light clusters (which didn't have them) so I'm thinking;
"Right, I've got stop/tail, brake, turn, reverse and foggys. The Yank lights are set-up for 2 red and 1 yellow, what do I do ?"
So here I am with all these crazy plans to rip both sets apart and make a funky hybrid or tinting this and de-orange'ing that when the error of my logic just hit me. That's what I get for using terminology I don't normally use ("Stop/tail").

I only need to find room for one light function, not two! Given it has no colour issues or even legal requirement I'll arrange something in the way of a reverse light.

Oh and I'm going to have a bash at cleaning them up and tinting the orange parts when I clean up the bumpers tomorrow .

Last edited by CamInHead; 20-04-2009 at 22:22.
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