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Old 25-04-2009, 16:32
northerner northerner is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Newcastle NE
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northerner is on a distinguished road

I cracked on today with refitting the trailing arms etc.
I bought some new inner bolts a while back so the camber can now be adjusted on the outter mounts. One thing I should have checked however was that they are the same diameter as the outter bolts ie were they fit in the trailing arms.
It was only when I offered them up I found out that the inner bolts dont go in the outter trailing arm bushes. The inner bolts have a diameter of 14mm --- The Outter bolts have a diameter of 13.4mm. After scratching my head for a while, I decided to use the none adjustable originals on the outter points for now and get the others milled down to size.
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