Thread: Sxoc
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Old 14-05-2009, 11:38
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CNHSS1 CNHSS1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: shrewsbury
Posts: 606
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as most of you know im not an s12 owner (just bits of s12s) so only my opinion, but i have always felt the sxoc membership justified. some of the long termers on sxoc have owned s12s 'back in the day'. trouble is the s12 discussion traffic is split here and there, so neither gets a full shot at it.

the depth of knowledge here is great, and although i was annoyed when the membership changes were made here a while ago (can of worms..), im happy to pay the fee for the help and knowledge here, was just the manner it was done that annoyed me (not alone there it seems)

ironically, the s12 seems to me to be a bit more 'in vogue' currently as its not only a turbo'd nissan, but its retro too so has a boot in both camps. s13s arent retro enough yet although plenty rusty

all only my humble opinion chaps...


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- Steve McQueen
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