Thread: oil pressure...
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Old 02-06-2009, 20:33
Noodle_Soup Noodle_Soup is offline
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Default oil pressure...

hi guys been a while since i posted last...things have been moving sometimes forward and sometimes back but generally mods are going to plan. One thing that has confused me is that the OE oil pressure guage has just stopped working, not overly worried as engine still runs fine and its not covering many miles(if any really!) just wondered if anyone else has had a similar failure and is there a simple fix as it doesnt look like a broken wire and conections seem clean, other thing i was thinking is to use an after market guage if the resistences/values of the sender were compatible.

thoughts on this would be appreciated!

cheers Ben

S13 running gear, independent rear suspension, coilovers all round, il post a thread sometime...when i get a chance!!
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