Originally Posted by irish s12
Don't know if i've ever been any help to you at any time,but if I have then you are more than welcome.This forum is about Silvia's and not about where you are from 
True, but there are plenty of Brits and Aussies who dont like to deal with the Yanks cause for the most part, we are retarded and think we can get what we want. Just ran into that with a company in Aus. I convinced them to give me a chance, I went through with it then called them up after and personally thanked them. Anyway, I think you and esp. the Aussies are underrated here in the US. But what else you expect? Most of the US doesnt really know much about the world, think that there is a world outside the US that is just as good/better besides that places make stuff 'for us' and the like.