Thread: Inspiration
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Old 05-03-2006, 17:35
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FLEXXX FLEXXX is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 419
FLEXXX is on a distinguished road

i live my life a 1/4 mile at a time it must be all the steroids that has made him an incompatent driver as im sure they will mess up the trilogy if they bang him in

when the first f&f came out my car was already in the spray shop and evey div thought i had try to infiltrate the F&F just coz i had kitted my ride out which p***ed me off as it would be really hard to get the whole car modified and sprayed in less than 24hrs
and then to top it off all these non jap cars got the graphic bug sticking HKS,BLITZ,and so fourth stickers on their rides with huge metal spoilers
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