Check the following....
Sills for rust
bottom of the wings under the mudflaps for rust
Check that the rear brakes are not siezed
that the indicator stalk is working correctly/Both flip up lights are working
there are no manifold to head studs missing or that the gaskets are blowing
Listen for gearbox 'whining'
Check the fuel tank for leaks
The rear boot lid struts hold the boot lid up
Play in the windscreen wiper mechanism
check the engine for excessive rocker/crankcase pressure. remove oil cap while engine is at idle. it should not drop more than 150/200rpm
While test driving check the clutch bite, gearbox sycromesh is smooth and the turbo is operating properly with no smoke on gearchange/under boost. Also check that there is decent oil pressure
Standard the turbo is set at around 6psi and oil pressure should be at around 40psi at 2000rpm
Originally Posted by s13eater
i wished my cams cost only £130 each, i must have c*nt wrote on my head 