Thread: S13 Walbro
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Old 31-07-2009, 10:10
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Run them in parallel not in series, so yeah a tee piece.

It seems that as people are approaching say 500bhp they go for like 2 Bosch 044's, a swirl pot and all that crap. I can't be arsed with that.

Thing is, I don't know what the limit of the 255 pump is, and I don't think anyone does so they just make a fuel system probably capable of sorting out Apollo 11's rockets.

I'll be running 2 bar of boost, so the pressue in the fuel system will reach a max of 4.5 bar of pressure.

The pump is rated by flow, but can it actually flow at those pressures.

The flow just recircs around in the system with the pressure reg acting as the restriction.

What would be more handy to know is what the maximum pressure the pump can handle and at what flow rates.

Other than that I'm just assuming most people are guessing they need all these fuel pumps. There's even a 200sx on SXOC with 3 bosch 044's!

Last edited by 30psi; 31-07-2009 at 10:14.
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