no wonder i never bother to work on it, everytime i do, i notice somin else that needs to be done, and its never an easy job.
T25 on and piped in running, just need to refabricate the intercooler pipe to fit.
but i noticed some wet on the power steering high pressure pipe that runs from the pump to the rack, so i wiped it dry to check when it was running, (was hoping it was just me being careless last time i filled it), but oh no, right in the middle of the rubber pipe, it has a small leak, just enough to wet the hose.
so first of all, could pirtek replace the hose on the car, and if not, how much of a bitch will it be to remove it and get it repaired???
this car better be worth the effort now it has a new turbo and will have a new PAS pipe