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Old 09-11-2009, 19:59
umpkin umpkin is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Essex
Posts: 904
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funny this thread should come up, i was just talking to martin about this very topic.

i need to sort something for mine, i want a mk2 engine with the little feed to the turbo.

ive always found the ET to be reliable for my uses, but these days with having kids, job, missus working (and her college course) i dont have time to do any extra work to the car, so i was thinking in the long run would a DET bottom with ET head be more reliable option, or just a waste of funds i dont have anyway.

obviously there is the strength upgrade, but im only running 10 - 12 PSI boost at the most, the ET can take this, if i wanted more it would really need forgies, but i would need that for the DET too, so again not gaining anything.

apart from strength, and parts availability, is there any point doing the DET bottom conversion??

just weighing up throwing £x.xx amount into something, when i could had thrown a little more but for a much higher gain.

p.s i dont want to do full DET conversion, insurance and time isnt on my side, car is daily to work every day, so my engine change will be a weekend changeover.

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