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Old 14-12-2009, 07:48
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Default Z31 rear conversion

For IRS models

Okay, so I'm sure many of you are aware of the fact you can swap in Z31 rear trailing arms and stuff into the S12. What is the advantage of this? Well, if you have access to a Turbo Z31 or the MKI Z31 N/A, they allow for vented rear discs. I will get pics of the trailing arm, but I dont see why it would be as needed.

For the MK2 Z31 NA model, it is the exact same as it would be for the S12 IRS setup. I do own a SE so was already stock 5 lug, but knowing that's only dealing with the hubs/brakes, there is virtually not difference between that I am aware of between a SE and non SE. If you have the NA setup, it should for the most part go right into the differential without issue as long as you have a R200. Once you obtain these parts, it is literally direct bolt in. Swap over the brake lines, as they are in the same place as in the S12 and Z31.

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