Guys, not that i own a Silvia anymore

but you guys were all quite helpful and I don't plan on being Slivia-less forever so I'd happily offer my services gratis (i'm a web dev) if you wanted to migrate to better forum software. Invision power board is always a very popular choice.
As for hosting, I tend to use Rochen, they are rock solid, the servers are always up to date and performance tuned, they have excellent and, more importantly, competent tech support and more often than not resolve a query within half an hour. They cost a bit more and don't offer as much space/bandwidth than others but there's a reason for that and it's quality. Be very caucious with firms who offer unlimited or very high amounts of space or bandwidth - the servers are usually oversold, slow and prone to hacking attempts!
..alternatively, you could go down the (virtual) dedicated server route which is nowhere near as expensive as it used to be....