Originally Posted by Dr Silvia
nope nothing.. i have concerns as to why we are still using this forum software also. It is a rip off of open source code which Kimble decided we needed a long time ago, and its ooold. If you want to see what free forum ware can do look at www.thehh.co.uk. No spam to be found there or on many other open source based forum engines. The logic of his descision eludes me to this day. He said it was to protect us from spammers etc, but that clearly isnt working is it  .
This kinda needs reviewing, but since a long time ago when we had unreliable hosts pulling the plug on us Kimble appointed himself dictator of the clubs descisions after "kindly" offering to host this forum on the back of his company's already shared server. It was only recently his true motives became apparent. This is why I for one was outraged when he turned around and tried to operate this place like a business.
So there we have it; we could migrate host and software et al quite easily if Kimble would return the club funds to the Treasurer [Jon i believe], as I believe that Kimble is not competent to handle them, and suspect he has used the funds to subsidise his own interests 
think we need to start again, cut loses (enraging as it is!!!) and accept the club funds have been stolen.
nothing wrong with VBB imo, infact most other forum software is much less pleasant to use.
Nedge, I think Jon (pukka) is the best person for you to speak to if you think you can help out