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Old 26-12-2009, 17:22
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sjef200sxTurbo sjef200sxTurbo is offline
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Default Cant start during snow.

My 84 mk1 had some problems starting when it started getting colder but now it started to doesnt wanna start at al , I have a good spark and 1.9bar fuel preasure. It sometimes seems to want to fire but nevver really does , I haven't been able to drive it al week.
Got new spark plugs , rotor batery fully charged.
I know its hard to tell whitout seeing the car.
But am I the only one here with this problem or are there more silvia s12 drivers that have the same problem?

My 87 never seemd to have this problem.
87 silvia (ca18det)
94 Alfa Romeo 155 2.0 8v ts (daily driver)(planning Lancia Delta swap)
84 silvia (ca18et oldtimer)

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