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Old 07-03-2006, 02:13
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s13eater s13eater is offline
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s13eater is on a distinguished road

no mate i'll assure you, 5 mins and i'am only just getting started, don't forget i'am on testosterone injections from the doctors, so when its there its there to stay,some times till the next morning , i'am 37 mate not 87,all my tackle is working fine, being 19 stone is no hinderence, as i maybe a bit overweight, but i can still knock out over 65 press up in 60 seconds, not as good as 86 in 60 seconds like i could do when i was younger, but i'am a lot heavier now,and i'am damn sure i could not still do a 1 arm pull up at my weight, but this does not mean that i could'nt do some damage to a pink orafice.
fj20/et a replacement for displacement
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