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Old 13-01-2010, 09:18
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Draconis Draconis is offline
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I figured since I had free time, I would take a part my spare headlamp unit so you can see and it would be easier for you to tell me what is different.

Here is the headlamp unit without the plastic covers on the sides the metal cover on the top. This would be the RH headlamp unit.

Note the key difference is that you have a black metal piece that the grilles bolt into. For us, we lack that but have a silver metal surrounding holding the headlamp into place.

This is the metal surround by itself.

Then what it looks like for the headlamp unit without the metal surround holding the headlamp itself in place. With the metal piece off, you can easily pull the headlamp out and it is left with the metal housing.

Thank you for the help.

Edit: Hey Umpkin, willing to sell/trade your headlight setup? I'll send you the metal pieces I have in addition.

Last edited by Draconis; 13-01-2010 at 09:49.
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