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Old 07-03-2006, 14:28
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Claire Claire is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: West Sussex
Posts: 207
Claire will become famous soon enough

I think you have forgotten that there are some ladies signed up to this site. Yeah we may be quiet but we read every post.
But I must say it was a good read.

Adam, where do you find all these wierd pictures?

Anyway 'Pukka' I just thought I would let you know that I dont mind you watching a load of women swinging around poles, because in the tent next door there will be loads of fit men swinging there bits about.
So hopefully Nissan Turbs wont get too drunk and walk into the wrong tent.

I am really looking forward to Modifed Nationals. I hope everyone attends this year, no excuses. The best thing is that Chell and I have had numerous discussions and we have plans to make the salon bigger and better this year!
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