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Old 18-02-2010, 20:59
marcusp88 marcusp88 is offline
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Default Car Running Issue HELP!!!

Okay, having a bit of a problem with my silvia.

The car will start, and tick over for a couple of seconds then just shake and die.

If the cars been sitting for a few hours it will run a bit longer but still cuts out. (The longer its been sitting the longer it runs for)

If I dissconnect the MAF it acts in exactly the same way.

So far ive replaced the thermostat, and timing belt, temp sensor and added a walbro pump so i know none of these are the issue. Ive even empted the fuel filter and that seems clean.

Prior to this hapening the car never had a fast idle on cold start, im not sure wheter this indicates anything.

Really want to get it back on the road!!!
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