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Old 19-02-2010, 17:29
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WM-S12 WM-S12 is offline
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WM-S12 is an unknown quantity at this point
Default Possible S12 for sale or breaking, verdict on 22/2/2010

Unfortunately my S12 is in a bad situation, I've done what I can for it's MOT this monday coming ( 22/2/2010 ) but i've got a hunch it's going to fail, if it's something small I'll give it another whirl this year but if it comes back as big I'll have to part with it.

*****Thought it would be wise to let some folk know before I end up calling the scrappy on the 27th or 28th of feb ( thats if its to big for my pockets. ) Don't get your hopes up but anyone interested in buying for either a donor or track car let me know. Preferably full sale or failing that I'll dismantle car between 23rd to 27th and get as many parts off as I can then send the shell to the scrappy. Then post a list of the all the parts I have taken off to sell to you guys on the forum.*****

Once again this isn't a genuine sale until I get the verdict on the 22nd, once I know the details I'll post here again so keep your eyes peeled, also the reason I havn't put this thread in the Sales category as I don't want to get folks hopes up then destroy them, if its bad news I'll put thread into Sales so everyone can get a nibble at it, pictures included.

Don't get your hopes up yet but cover your bases.

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