I dont own an s12 but im very tempted

ive been on the lookout for something RWD and was looking at another capri (had one a couple of years ago) but i stumbled across an s12 somewhere on the net and they look great!
Theres a couple of questions i need to look into, one would be could i fit 2 child seats in the rear, and the other would be about fuel consumption!! i dont expect it to be great, but considering a capri averages high 20mpg id like to think an s12 would be about the same as its smaller and lighter etc. i had a saab 9000 2.3 that did around 17mpg which i wasnt keen on but again was a big car with a big engine. with the family in the car its not like i'll be hammering it everywhere, i'll save that for when im alone
what else can i say? if anyone is thinkin about selling up over the next few weeks im gonna have around £700 spare which i hope would get me something with t&t