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Old 10-03-2006, 16:57
indecisive indecisive is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
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Mucho Mucho MUCHO thanks for getting the scripts done (ahhaha way to make your banner RHD while everybody else is LHD lols)

Sorry I haven't gotten on this. I've been spending all my spare time since I proposed the idea at school/working on school projects, or working ont he new graphics/shirts for club-s12, so I haven't had time for this.

Just to give you guys a heads up, club-s12 won't be putting the banners up until after we switch to the new server on april 1st.

I also think that it should be stated to each club that they still are able to redesign the banner, they just need to contact each admin and give them the new image link, and it would be courteous if they hosted their own banner on their own servers to save the bandwidth of the others.

again, props and thanks to S12oc on jumping on the ball when I had to take a break from it.
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